Now It’s Time for the Public to Taste-and-Vote for their Favorite Salsa




参加免费比赛的高中名单已经确定 2018 St. 菲利普学院最佳口味萨尔萨奖学金比赛, a one-hour judged salsa specialty food contest where the prizes are scholarships to a world-class culinary school for two-person teams of local high school student chefs.


2018年参赛的11支球队分别来自 Edison, Memorial, 南圣, 东中央, Poteet, Madison, O’Conner, LaVernia, Southside, 阿拉莫的高度, 塞缪尔·克莱门斯 and 塔夫脱高中, 活动组织者Frances Rocha证实, 学院的烹饪服务协调员,负责跟踪团队状态. Rounding out the college’s Hispanic Heritage Month calendar, the 11-team competition takes place Oct. 4小时10分.m. in Room 202 of the college’s Turbon Student Center at 马丁·路德·金大道1801号.


By placing twice in 2017---second and people’s choice---defending 2016 and 2017 second place winner Taft established a record for most scholarship money awarded per student in 2017, “很酷的1美元,今天的000,” college faculty member Chef Patrick Costello announced from the contest podium in 2017.

“塔夫脱学院的一名学生厨师非常有兴趣参加圣. 菲利普学院,所以这对他很有利. 未来的学生,这就是它的意义所在,”罗查在2017年说.

欢迎大家在免费的St. 菲利普学院最佳口味萨尔萨奖学金比赛. The 22 competing chefs are both high school seniors and they are interested in attending St. 菲利普的大学. The food is from a region where both family and commercial traditions of salsa making extend centuries deep, and new generations create the authentic salsas of the future during the contest. 学院的活动是以教育为导向的, 对所有人开放,由大学和当地厨师担任评委. 所有的萨尔萨酱都是在圣. 菲利普学院在比赛日的校园, and students must be in competitive condition---with no distractions---to produce the excellence expected by judges, 厨师教练和美食家, 说罗查. Scholarship announcements are made for each team member finishing in the first ($500), 第二(500美元), 第三类(500美元)和人民选择类(500美元). The public is welcome to visit, taste, cast People’s Choice votes and meet the chefs. 据Rocha说, 至少有三名比赛校友是该学院的在校学生, 不过她拒绝透露参赛选手的身份.



关于St. 菲利普学院旅游,酒店和烹饪艺术系:圣. 菲利普学院旅游,酒店和烹饪艺术系 provides five primary programs along with one full-time faculty member and multiple adjunct faculty members to work directly with students in each area. All five programs involve students in classroom-based learning experiences, 以及实验室经验, 在实习课程中以工作为基础的学习. 烹饪艺术, 烘焙及糕点艺术, and restaurant management programs have been acknowledged with an Exemplary rating from the American Culinary Federation Foundation Accrediting Commission. St. 菲利普的大学 is one of only 25 schools worldwide with the commission’s Exemplary status and is rated Exemplary by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. 110岁的St. 菲利普的大学 hospitality professions programs typically graduate 100 students annually, and expansion is expected this decade when the college opens its $30 million Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts Center of Excellence building funded as part of a $450 million bond package approved by voters in May 2017 to both construct new Alamo College 区 facilities and renovate existing college buildings. 从管理专业毕业的学生:酒店管理, 酒店管理, and Restaurant Management are eligible to receive Certified Hospitality Graduate (CHG) certifications from the Accrediting Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration™. Culinary Arts and Baking and Pastry Arts students are eligible for Certification by the American Culinary Federation. The CHG is an industry-recognized professional certification that has been granted to only three hospitality programs in the state of Texas and only one program in the college’s service area. 有关注册学院课程的信息, contact the department staff at 210-486-2315 or book reservations with the staff of the college’s student-operated restaurant by calling 210-486-2328.